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Simple :
#dotdot is a marketplace where #doters anonymously share their unused GB’s with #dotees, who get the anonymously, for free or for a fee, at #doter’s discretion. Sharing is peer-to-peer, no intermediate, no subscription, no minimal amount of GB’s, no commitment.
Watch the teaser video !
I #dot at the office !
I read my emails in a jiffy via #dotdot !
I #dot at the restaurant !
I watch video via #dotdot !
I #dot while shopping !
I share on my networks via #dotdot !
App available soon !
The #doter
Once paired with the #doter’s smartphone, the #dot creates a long range WiFi hotspot named « #dotdot ». In the #dotdot app, the #doter specifies the quantity of GB’s shared and their estimated time of stay (to help maintain connexion with #dotees).
The #dotee
Anyone can be a #dotee : they just detect a « #dotdot » WiFi or locate it from the #dotdot app, discover whether the shared GB’s are for free of for a fee (at #doter’s discretion), select the number of megabytes they need, make the transaction in the app and get internet access !
A « #dot » is a pocket WiFi repeater that makes sharing your smartphone connection anonymous, secure and monetizable!
Order, pair and sell your GBs !
#dotdot revolutionizes Internet access with an innovative community approach.
Users can share GBs of mobile Internet access live, simply, securely and anonymously.
Equipped with a #dot, #doters create a secure WiFi network called
#dotdot, accessible up to 100 meters around them.
Using the #dotdot app, they offer the unused GBs of mobile internet access to anyone within range, without having to share a password.
As soon as they see a #dotdot network in their settings, #dotdot can connect to it without a password using the #dotdot app.
There, they choose how many GBs they want, and find out whether the #doter is selling or giving away their GBs and how long they’ll be around.
Multiple applications for concrete impact.
Sell your unused GBs to those who need them.
Turn your GBs into revenue by sharing them with people up to 100 meters away.
Offer free WiFi Internet access.
Set up a temporary access point for a community event by sharing your GBs for free.
Simplify your network in complex environments.
Create a secure mobile hotspot for your employees at trade shows, or combine several #dots to create a mesh network.
#doter: first steps, how to pair my #dot
#doter : how to resell my GB’s
#dotees : how to buy GB’s on demand
I’d never thought about wasting GBs. Now I share 25 GBs at the beginning of each month, often for free. I tell myself that maybe I’ve helped to avoid the hassle of just getting Internet access. I like that.
Nathalie, 42 years old, Lyon
You have to be careful when you first pair the #dot, but once you’ve done that, it’s easy. I often have buyers near the station, and I sell for up to €30 some months, which pays for my mobile subscription!
Julien, 34 years old, Paris
I didn’t believe it at first, all this wasting of GBs. It’s clever this #dotdot, you’ve got to admit: I’m selling my excess GBs, I’m earning a bit of money and it’s helping people. It’s really cool.
Karim, 27 years old, Marseille
I’m a student, so every euro counts. It’s becoming not uncommon to find #dotdot WiFi on campus. I can get online for less than €2 a month
Clara, 19 years old, Toulouse
I only use the Internet for my administrative papers. I have a digital advisor who comes to help me: he has #dotdot, he shares a few GBs for free when he comes to help me. He no longer has to share his password, and I know I’ll have Internet access when he comes. Everyone’s happy.
Jean, 58 years old, Lille
I connected to a #dot when I arrived at Dublin airport! Probably a Frenchman who was on the same plane as me and had a local subscription? I bought 1 GB and was able to get the address of my hotel. It was unexpected but super handy!
Sophie, 31 years old, Bordeaux
Order your #dot now and become a #doter!
Secure purchases with Stripe
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