The Community



Manifesto #dotdot

Reinventing Internet access through digital solidarity

In a world where the Internet connection has become as essential as water or electricity, one reality persists: Internet access remains rigid, constrained by monthly packages that don’t always correspond to our real needs. This situation creates a paradox: some people under-utilize their mobile data, while others are desperately short of it.

Réinventer l'accès Internet par la solidarité numérique

Our vision

We believe in a world where Internet access becomes flexible, equitable and inclusive. A world where every unused gigabyte can create value for all. #dotdot isn’t just a technological solution – it’s a movement that’s reinventing the way we think about sharing digital resources.

Our mission

We’re creating an alternative to traditional models, where mobile data sharing becomes an act of digital solidarity. For the first time in history, we’re making it possible to access the Internet « on demand », creating a community network where everyone can be both contributor and beneficiary.

Why it matters

Solidarity does not exclude economic value

By monetizing data sharing, we create a virtuous circle that encourages participation while making access more accessible.

The community Internet is our collective responsibility

Its growth will depend on the commitment of each and every one of us.

Flexibility is the key

Internet access should not be limited by rigid structures, but adapted to the real needs of each individual.

Our Commitment

We’re committed to building this new form of Internet access step by step. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was the community Internet. But every sharing, every connection established is a stone added to the edifice of a more inclusive, more accessible Internet.

Join the Movement

Showing solidarity has never been easier. By joining #dotdot, you’re not just sharing your mobile data – you’re helping to build a fairer, more flexible and more humane Internet. Together, we can turn unused gigabytes into connection opportunities for all.

The future of the Internet is community.
The future of the Internet is all of us.

#dotdot - Share. Connect. Transform.

Construisez l'internet communautaire ! Commandez votre #dot maintenant et devenez #doteur !

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